June 2014 – Part II –
It’s raining, but it’s summer, so I know that soon the sun will arrive with a lot of good news. This is one of the most busy period of my life: I am working on different directions only for one reason. I think that there is a chance to change. So I decided to take part to the XXI Mostra Ceramica. I did an installation, in the next days I will show pictures of the work.
This week will happen also Testimonianze ceramiche (click here). I organized a meeting with 3 person that are giving a great contribute to the ceramic in Italy today. Claudia Casali (director of the MIC – Museo Internazionale della Ceramica in Faenza-, Nicola Boccini (ceramic artist) and Silvia Imperiale ( expert in ceramic communication). I received the contribute of the Puglia Region, that are giving opportunity to organize Laboratori dal Basso with the PO FSE 2007–2013.
I hope that if you are here you will pass here to see the art show at the Castle and to listen their conference.