February 2015

Dear world I am here to share some great news that I received in the last weeks.
First of all lift up the glasses, I would like to celebrate something really important for me. I will take part to the Ceramic International Biennale in Faenza. It’s the first time for me to be there, and I am really proud about it. If you click (here) you will find the complete list of selected artists. I don’t know all of them, but I am really happy to see some of  super-talented friends in the list.
If you have the opportunities you should book a ticket for the opening in June. It will be amazing.
I applied with 3 different works. Here below you will find the 2 works that weren’t selected. I will never know until the opening (june 2015), the piece that have been selected.

"Una preoccupante missiva recapitata in data 14 Novembre", (100x45 cm), 2015.

“Una preoccupante missiva recapitata in data 14 Novembre”

"Episodio di bullismo nella classe terza H. Fortunatamente c'era una videocamera di sorveglianza", (90x90 cm), 2015.

“Episodio di bullismo nella classe terza H. Fortunatamente c’era una videocamera di sorveglianza”

Right now… She is Fuga and I am sad that Lucky never met her. Maybe one day they will share a shy star. She is having 10 days vacancy in our flat, eating a lot, playing and having jogging. Say Hì to Fuga, say Hello to Lucky.
 am waiting for some important news. I will received them next month. Stay tuned. I have to go now…