Giugno 2023

Ho imparato a riconoscere i cambiamenti di stagione grazie o per colpa dei dolori alla sciatica. Come un oracolo riesco a predire il clima con settimane di anticipo. Così mi trascino tra caldo e mal di schiena. L’estate è arrivata.
Mi preparo per il mare indossando scarpe e pantaloncini estivi, convinto che da un momento all’altro troverò il tempo per tuffarmi e correre in spiaggia. Sono stati mesi intensi tra mostre, allestimenti, consegne e viaggi.
Con Sano/sano siamo stati a Lipsia per un sopralluogo in un posto incredibile. Ci saranno novità a breve che naturalmente non posso spoilerare.

Intanto la mostra “Festa di Compleanno” dopo essere stata ospitata alla Fondazione Pino Pascali di Polignano, al Museo Gigi Guadagnucci di Massa e alla Meme Gallery di Milano è giunta al Museo della Ceramica di Mondovì. Ci resterà per tutta l’estate quindi se vi trovate da quelle parti non esitate a visitarla.

Ma non è tutto co Sano/Sano abbiamo realizzato delle installazioni permanenti al Museo di Laterza e al Marina Gardens di Francavilla al Mare.

Inoltre abbiamo curato la nostra prima mostra da curatori. Si chiama “Intrame” e potete leggere tutto quello che c’è da sapere cliccando qui.

Insomma sono successe tantissime cose e tantissime stanno per accadere. Stay tuned.
In basso una delle mie prime opere “Serata video” fotografata poche settimane fa dal mitico Andrea d’Aversa.

Gennaio 2023

Ho deciso di rifare il look al sito, non stravolgendolo ma riempiendolo di tutte quelle cose che nel corso degli anni non sapevo dove inserire.
Sono comparse nuove categorie (Mostre e Installazioni) ancora in aggiornamento perché mi mancano foto d’archivio andate perdute e che mi auguro di ritrovare.
Oltre alle foto spero di ritrovare anche un ritmo costante negli aggiornamenti, cosa che negli anni è andata un po’ perduta.
Mi sono reso conto che i miei ultimi post iniziano ad avere cadenza annuale, solitamente dicembrina, rendendoli paragonabili ai discorsi del Presidente Mattarella. Riassunti dell’anno accaduto e auguri per l’anno a venire.
Ecco mi piacerebbe andare oltre. Tornare ad usare queste pagine come un diario per raccontare non solo quello che mi succede ma anche e sopratutto quello che penso.

Certo l’ultima volta che ho espresso un pensiero pubblicamente è successo un macello.
Ospite di una conferenza a Oslo dissi che l’unica strada che gli artigiani nel futuro avrebbero potuto seguire sarebbe stata quella più remota. Fare meno mostre, meno mercati e sparire dal web. Isolarsi, o meglio scomparire.
Una settimana dopo è scoppiata la pandemia e per mesi sono scomparsi non solo tutti gli artisti ma anche tutte le persone, è rimasto solo il web.
Una merda.
Ad un certo punto oltre ad aver portato sfiga a livello globale sono stato convinto di aver esportato il covid in Norvegia. Perché con me c’era Luca e con Luca c’erano la febbre e la tosse. Non scopriremo mai la verità, ma le ricerche condotte fanno coincidere il nostro arrivo a Oslo con i primi casi norvegesi di covid.

La clip incriminata estratta dal powerpoint.

Ecco sono uscito fuori traccia… ma era una divagazione necessaria prima di arrivare al presente, vissuto sempre più con l’esigenza di lasciare qualcosa di transitorio, non permanente. Ho abbandonato molte collaborazioni, non partecipo più a concorsi e apro e chiudo progetti senza portarli troppo alle lunghe.
Ho anche modificato il modo di fare installazioni. Le ultime fatte a Polignano quest’anno (clicca qui) diventano sempre più effimere. Hanno durata brevissima, ma nonostante questo mi preoccupo sempre di più di documentare. Di scattare una foto che possa lasciare un’immagine di quel momento e che possa diventare un ricordo.
Perché per quanto nostalgici e malinconici possano essere i ricordi sono qualcosa di vitale.

Pacco regalo, Installazione pubblica, Polignano a Mare, collaborazione Pigment Workroom.

E’ su questo principio che è nata “Festa di Compleanno” mostra presentata prima al Pino Pascali di Polignano , poi ospitata al Museo Guadagnucci di Massa durante la mostra All inclusive e che sarà fino al 5 Febbraio alla Meme Gallery di Milano.
Anche il progetto Dente Votivo, ideato con i ragazzi di XOPARO, si basa sulla stessa necessità. Affrontare una paura (il distacco, la perdita) ma con ironia e con la voglia di rendere immortale il ricordo.

Perfetto, pippone di inizio anno finito. E’ il momento di rimettere in moto la macchina, dopo averla caricata. Il 2023 sarà un viaggio lunghissimo. Ci saranno multe da collezionare e strade da scoprire. Ci aggiorniamo presto. Promesso. Sempre che non decida di sparire nel futuro.

Dicembre 2021

Hey hey hey. Mi ero ripromesso di aggiornare il blog più spesso ma non ci sono riuscito. Un po’ per pigrizia un po’ a causa di innumerevoli impegni. Ma siamo a fine anno e quindi eccomi ad elencarvi le ultime news e le mostre in corso.
Al Museo Pino Pascali dal 16 Dicembre 2021 al 20 Gennaio 2022 sarà presentata la mostra “Festa di Compleanno” (clicca qui). Un progetto realizzato in collaborazione con Pigment work, Zic Zic e Cime.

Ho inoltre pubblicato il mo ultimo libro “Leggere attentamente il foglietto illustrativo”, il racconto della mia residenza artistica presso la “Casa per la Vita Artemide” di Racale. Potete acquistare il libro in edizione limitata a questo link. Inoltre le opere realizzate durante il progetto dopo essere state esposte al Castello Volante di Corigliano d’Otranto dal 11 Dicembre 2021 al 29 Gennaio 2022.


Un’altra occasione da non perdere se vi trovate a Napoli è la mostra “Giocare a Regola d’arte” curata da Ermanno Tedeschi. Per l’occasione ho realizzato la più grande installazione che abbia realizzato composta da cinque Barbapapà, un capasone e una capasedda.
Quando ho pensato alle opere da esporre ho subito immaginato che mi sarebbe piaciuto mettere insieme i Barbapapà con dei pezzi della tradizione grottagliese.
Mi fa sorridere l’idea che quel capasone datato 1937, in vendita su subito fino ad una settimana fa, tra pochi giorni cambierà stanza trasferendosi da una cantina di Grottaglie ad un salone di un Museo.
In fondo in fondo il senso ultimo di questa installazione è questo. I Barbapapà avevano la capacità di trasformarsi e di cambiare forma e veste. Dovremmo imparare ad adattarci e a reinventarci per non scomparire, ricordandoci sempre chi siamo e da dove veniamo. E poi i barbapapà erano tantissimo altro ma questo lo lascio scoprire a voi….

Agosto 2020

Sono troppi i mesi trascorsi senza aggiornare. Cercare di ripercorre il passato sarà impossibile, più semplice soffermarmi sul presente.
Se siete in Puglia in questa calda estate non perdete l’occasione unica di visitare due grandi eventi:
la mostra ingressi Contingentati a Grottaglie e il Phest di Monopoli.

Ingressi Contingentati

Vincitore del premio mostra durante il XXVI Concorso di Ceramica Contemporanea di Grottaglie, nel 2019, Giorgio Di Palma è alle prese con la sua prima personale a Grottaglie, città dove vive e lavora.

Per l’occasione presenta al pubblico un progetto inedito, realizzato durante i mesi di lockdown, dove affida ad oggetti, altorilievi e sculture il compito di raccontare quanto successo durante la chiusura. “Ingressi contingentati” è un viaggio in una dimensione temporale atipica, dove molte delle opere sono state concepite per fondersi tra passato, presente e futuro.

Visitare la mostra è come scartare un pacchetto di figurine anni ’90 e ritrovarsi tra le mani una di quelle carte che cambiano immagine se le sposti a destra e sinistra, passando dal prima al dopo.Ma proprio durante quel movimento, quel passaggio, c’è un piccolo frame dove le immagini si offuscano e diventano meno chiare. Quel frame è il nostro presente, impercettibile tra passato e futuro. E questa mostra, che osservandola potrà sembrare “già vecchia” o “troppo nuova”, non è altro che un tentativo di immortalare l’unico presente per la prima volta condiviso da tutti.

Qual è il futuro della nostra terra?
Quale eredità stiamo lasciando alle nuove generazioni?
La risposta del ceramista pugliese Giorgio di Palma a queste domande la troviamo in questa installazione in divenire presentata la prima volta alla Mostra della ceramica di Grottaglie nel 2018 e oggi riproposta e rivisitata in occasione di PhEST.

Dicembre 2017-Marzo 2018

Difficile aggiornare il blog dopo circa quattro mesi. Dovrei racchiudere 120 giorni circa in poche righe con il rischio di dimenticare qualcosa, anzi sicuramente tanto. Sono stati mesi intensi in cui ho partecipato a manifestazioni importanti, ho rilasciato interviste, prodotto novità e rimpiazzato il venduto. Son mandato più volte dal commercialista ed ho comprato una piccola casa. Ma iniziamo….
A Dicembre sono stato in mostra a Milano presso lo Spazio Nibe, puoi vedere alcune foto e una breve presentazione della mostra in un ottimo articolo di Luca Bochicchio per Espoarte cliccando qui.
Tempo di rientrare e una nuova mostra. Questa volta Lecce, La salentina, ovvero la mia seconda casa in Puglia. Una personale e un’installazione in Piazza Duomo.

Ma non è finita in questo periodo son anche stato selezionato e ho partecipato anche alla Biennale internazionale di Marrataxi, Spagna. Questa è “Un disastro annunciato” e qui potete vedere il catalogo on-line della mostra.

insono stato contattato anche dalla redazione di Buon Pomeriggio di Michele Cucuzza per un’intervista. Il mio sogno sarebbe stato andare in studio, ma dobbiamo accontentarci di questo.

Beh…. forse sono riuscito a dire tutto, o quasi tutto. Siamo a Marzo e vi lascio con l’ultima chicca. Mi è stata dedicata la copertina e un bell’articolo nella rivista “La ceramica moderna e antica”. Qui potete sfogliare la rivista.

Agosto-Novembre 2017

Il caldo ha lasciato spazio alle nuvole, la pioggia è tornata e l’Autunno sembra improvvisamente apparso in questo pezzo di mondo chiamato sud Italia. Gli ultimi mesi sono passati davvero in fretta e le occasioni per aggiornare il blog sono state davvero pochissime.
Da quando vi ho scritto l’ultima volta sono stato in Austria per un mese, ospite del progetto IKSIT. Non posso dirvi tanto, ma probabilmente nei prossimi mesi pubblicherò un nuovo libro in cui raccoglierò i risultati delle mie ultime residenze artistiche. Questa in particolare, è stata un’esperienza completamente differente dalle altre esche ho abbandonato il blog e ho lavorato in maniera completamente top-secret.
Qui un paio di foto ma, come accennato, per ora non posso anticiparvi niente.
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Al mio rientro sono stato con la mia dolce metà a Club Napoca per partecipare alla Ceramic Club Biennale. Una settimana all’insegna del buon cibo e alla scoperta della Romania, una Nazione che non conosco e che posso assolutamente dire che MERITA. Io ho partecipato con l’opera “Ti salvo io”, che vedete in basso ma purtroppo stata esposta incompleta perché le cartucce sono sparite.


E adesso sono tornato qui a Grottaglie pronto per ripartire. Milano mi aspetta, per la mia prima personale nella capitale Lombarda.
Vi aspetto numerosi. Maggiori info qui.

Maggio, Giugno, Luglio 2017

Sono stati mesi intensi i chilometri hanno scandito le ore, e le ore si sono mescolate al fuso orario. Ho visitato la Cina, ma questo dovreste già saperlo tutti. Se non lo sapevate allora cliccate qui e rileggetevi un mese in uno dei posti più incredibili al mondo.
Tornato a Grottaglie ho rimesso in moto la macchina produttiva, ad aspettarmi ci sono stati lavori accumulati e mostre da preparare. Sono stato di passaggio a Modena per installare i coni gelato all’osteria Francescana, il ristorante numero uno al mondo e quello al mio fianco è il numero uno della galassia.
A Grottaglie, invece, sono stato selezionato per la XXXIV Mostra della Ceramica, che prevedeva come tema l’acqua. Quella in basso è l’opera presentata e l’esposizione sarà visitabile fino a Settembre presso il Convento dei Cappuccini.

Extra Murum, dopo essersi svolta a Villa Caldogno e Montelupo Fiorentino, il 9 Settembre prossimo inaugurerà a Castelfranco Veneto. Per l’occasione presenterò opere nuove. Non mancate.
Vi lascio con un’intervista rilasciata per la Repubblica. A presto.

Marzo – Aprile 2017

Rieccomi qui, pronto a scrivere e ad aggiornare un blog che rischiava di essere trascurato. Siamo a Marzo ma colgo l’occasione per presentarvi quanto già successo e quanto accadrà a breve.
Lo scorso 18 Marzo ho inaugurato lamia prima personale a Modena, “Oggi agnello e capretto” organizzata in collaborazione con OM (clicca qui) e Gate 26A (clicca qui). Direi che è andata benissimo e sono felicissimo di aver conosciuto persone incredibili.
Vi posto solo due foto, le altre potete vederle cliccando qui oppure potrete vedere direttamente le opere andando nei due spazi entro l’8 Aprile.


Qui in basso, invece c’è il mio solito riassunto di viaggio, durato quattro giorni e 600 euro, spesi tutti in cibo e alcool.


Gennaio – Febbraio 2017

Tante, troppe cose da raccontare. Dovrei trascorrere un paio di giorni per cercare di ricapitolare quanto successo negli ultimi due mesi. Ma tra tutto le cose che ricordo di più sono che mi sono state fatte due interviste, una per l’Avvenire e una per Mamma Rai.

Novembre/Dicembre 2016

你好, Buongiorno. Non c’è parola migliore per iniziare. Ve l’ho scritta in Cinese perché l’avvenimento più bello e incredibile accaduto negli ultimi mesi è stato proprio aver visitato questo paese, aver partecipato ad un concorso e aver vinto un importante premio. In compagnia della mia dolce metà siamo stati a Fuping, ospiti del ceramic art Village, dove abbiamo partecipato all’international ceramic symposium e dove ho vinto il Fule Prize. In pratica mi trasferirò in questo città museo per un mese, per realizzare nuove opere/progetti. L’opera vincitrice è quella in alto, l’insieme di macchine fotografiche. Vorrei mostrarvi tante foto, ma penso che tre possano bastare. Mi riserva le novità per il futuro.

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Settembre/Ottobre 2016

Eccomi qua, come al solito dopo mesi di assenza, cercando di scrivere qualcosa che racchiuda in poche righe due mesi intensissimi, carichi di avvenimenti a volte piacevoli e a volte dolorosi. Episodi che caratterizzano la vita, che ci permettono di definirla tale.
A settembre si è svolta la mostra “Saluti da..”, fatta in collaborazione con il fotografo Dario Miale, per il nostro progetto Sano/sano arrivato ormai alla terza edizione. Vi eviterò una carrellata infinita di foto, che potete vedere cliccando qui, ma mi piacerebbe ringraziarvi tutti. Alla mostra avete partecipato in tanti. Vedervi interagire, partecipare, sorridere e chiedere è stato fantastico. Grazie di cuore. Sano/sano è progetto a cui vorrei dedicare più energie ma che sono sicuro nel tempo si affermerà sempre più.
Ma non ho fatto in tempo a terminare la mostra che sono partito per Albisola. Una nuova residenza, un nuova città da esplorare, un nuovo progetto a cui dedicarmi. Il risultato è stato un video.
Quello qui sotto. Enjoy…


Giugno/Luglio/Agosto 2016

Ecco il post estivo, scritto con il condizionatore acceso in un caldo giorno d’Agosto. Uno dei pochi a dire la verità. Questa è un estate particolare in cui ho sofferto meno del solito, evitando di strappare le maniche a tutte le magliette notturne. Nonostante questo ho sudato un sacco, sbattendomi tra mostre, studio e organizzazione della produzione.
Agli inizi di Giugno si è inaugurata la Mostra della Ceramica nel Castello Episcopio di Grottaglie. Una mostra a cui partecipo più’ per dovere che per piacere. Intanto grandi notizie arrivano dall’estero. Non posso anticiparvi nulla ma sappiate che sarà una cosa Intercontinentale. Tenetevi forte.

Ma basta parlare del passato e del futuro, parliamo del presente. Oggi è il giorno della presentazione del nuovo progetto di Sano/sano. “Saluti da” dal 9 al 18 Settembre a Grottaglie.
A Settembre sarò invece a Faenza per seguire Argillà e per seguire due esposizioni a cui partecipo. La prima è Cube un progetto itinerante che si svolgerà a Faenza poi a Torgiano e poi a Roma. La seconda invece è la mostra con le opere realizzate durante il Simposio di Gmunden al MIC in Faenza. Siateci…



Aprile/Maggio 2016

Rieccomi qui, circondato da starnuti, abbracciando pollini e sconvolto da un periodo intensissimo che continuerà ancora a lungo. Presentazioni del libro, mostre, viaggi, eventi, ecc.
Iniziamo dal libro. Il mio “Diario” vendicchia e questa cosa mi rende felice.  Come una rock star mi ritrovo in tour per promuovere il libro.  Sono stato a Bari, Taranto, Palagiano, Verona e poi andrò a Francavilla Fontana e in tanti altri posti. Potrete vedere un gallery cliccando qui. Si nota spesso l’interesse della gente e noto con piacere come sia migliorato il mio modo di raccontare e raccontarmi.


Nel frattempo sto realizzando un sacco di opere nuove per la mostra che la prossima estate faremo con Dario Miale ( e ne ho ultimato altre per la nuova collezione.


Dimenticavo di raccontarvi che sono stato a Roma per partecipare a Italianism una giornata di arte e conferenze sul meglio del made in Italy. Sono stato invitato con Pepo di Grottangeles ed è andata benone.
Nel frattempo sono stato intervistato da Huffington Post. Cliccate qui, così ve lo racconto tramite loro.

Marzo 2016

Rieccomi qui, tra uno starnuto e un brodo vegetale. Sono da poco rientrato da Bari, dove ho allestito una mini personale presso lo Spazio Murat. Questo è un posto incredibile, che può’ diventare in breve tempo un punto di riferimento per il design e l’arte pugliese. Vi posto solo alcune immagini della mia installazione ma avete tempo fino al 13 Marzo per visitarla.
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A Bari ho anche presentato il mio libro per la prima volta e sto fissando un sacco di altre date che mi terranno impegnato per i prossimi mesi. Per seguire tutti gli aggiornamenti vi consiglio di cliccare qui.

Gennaio/Febbraio 2016

E’ passato troppo tempo dall’ultimo aggiornamento. I giorni sono corsi veloci e l’anno vecchio ha lasciato il posto al 2016.  Mi preparo cercando di riprodurre i pezzi ultimati, scervellandomi su nuovi oggetti e percorrendo km di footing ascoltando The Walkman, BigottAll the King’s daughters.
Una nuova presenza importante segna i miei risvegli e le mie scarpe, permettendomi di riscoprire posti che rischiavo di dimenticare.
“Noia” è qui, lo sarà per sempre, entrata con rispetto e in punta di zampe lì dove pensavo non ci fosse più posto.
Ed ora spazio alle novità, quelle per cui dovrei scrivervi e che spesso dimentico di pubblicare.

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Il mio primo libro è finalmente in uscita. 29 giorni, il diario delle tre residenze artistiche svolte tra il 2012 e il 2015 diventa cartaceo. Raccoglierà testi, disegni e fotografie. Avrà una breve introduzione scritta da Claudia Casali (direttrice del MIC in Faenza) e una grafica realizzata dai ragazzi di Usopposto. Sarà autoprodotto e in tiratura limitata di 500 esemplari. Quindi niente chiacchiere. Supportate.

Sano/Sano è di nuovo in marcia. Si riparte con un nuovo progetto che ci porterà a percorrere migliaia di chilometri e a visitare tantissime città. Abbiamo iniziato lo scorso Dicembre spostandoci in tredici città in 4 giorni. Un record che punteremo a superare il mese prossimo.


Luglio/Agosto 2015

Dopo due mesi di assenza è tempo di mettere ordine tra i fatto e i farò di questa caldissima estate.
Quindi eccomi qui, brutto in una bella foto scattata da Flavio Sabato (cliccate qui).
Ci sono voluti sessanta giorni per racimolare un po’ di forze e il necessario per rimettermi in moto.
Sessanta giorni in cui ho rilasciato interviste, conosciuto persone incredibili, campeggiato abusivamente in riva ad un fiume, mangiato magnesio, cacato acqua, venduto tonnellate di palloncini,  comprato scarpe e plantari nuovi, camminato e pensato per centinaia di kilometri, realizzato opere nuove, installato POS, annegato un Iphone, ricomprato un Iphone, stampato magliette nuove, dormito in un trullo con piscina, montato ringhiera e smontato ringhiera, partecipato a mostre, dormito pochissimo per poi dormire per giorni, mangiato tonnellate di pomodori e bevuto litri di soluzioni schoum. Senza-titolo-1


Fra poco sarà il momento di partire, direzione Gmunden, nuovo progetto e nuove idee da realizzare. Vi lascio con la foto dell’opera che ho realizzato per la mostra “ceramica conviviale” ancora visitabile presso il Castello Episcopio di Grottaglie fino al 30 Settembre 2015 . Si intitola “Ma siamo invitati?” e la foto è stata scattata da Ciro Quaranta, per il catalogo della mostra di Gir&Grafica (cliccate qui). A presto…

Giugno 2015

Eccomi qui, pronto ad aggiornare il sito, ascoltando Regina Spektor e con un interessantissimo mal di schiena. Sono rientrato a Grottaglie dopo essere stato a Faenza, passando da Praga e Deruta. Un tragitto lungo e pieno di perché che potrete comprendere solo attraverso lo sketch in basso.
Ho viaggiato non solo per piacere ma anche per essere presente a due eventi che per me rappresentano tanto.
Ho partecipato all’inaugurazione del 59° Premio Faenza, dove ero presente con “La foto del trecentesimo compleanno“. Una mostra incredibile che ha visto selezionate 130 opere provenienti da tutti i continenti. Qualità altissima per uno dei pochi eventi che mette luce sugli orientamenti della nuova ceramica mondiale. In basso alcune foto dell’inaugurazione, che ho vissuto in maniera esilarante insieme a Nicola Boccini, Marino Ficola e Beatrice.

Situazione opposta a Grottaglie, la mia città, dove ho partecipato al concorso di ceramica mediterranea. Non so per quale ostinato motivo continuo ad essere presente a questo evento. Forse il bisogno di affermazione locale, forse il non voler far morire la città sotto i colpi dell’ignoranza, eppure ogni anno rimango deluso. Deluso nel leggere i nomi di una giuria incompetente e deluso dalla qualità di molte opere dovuta alla completa assenza di selezione. Questa mostra si è trasformata in una passerella per politici e istituzioni, dove manca lo stimolo per un dibattito artistico ed una crescita culturale di addetti e non addetti ai lavori.
Penso ufficialmente che per un pezzo, almeno fin quando non si avrà la volontà di cambiare, mi farò da parte. Non sto rosicando per non aver vinto, sono felicissimo per i miei amici premiati, ma perché chi deve giudicare non è in grado di leggere le opere. Di capire e chiedersi dei perché.
A proposito di perché. La rivista  Ceramics Now che nel suo terzo numero mi ha intervistato per 4 pagine in inglese. Troverete la traduzione di Lucrezia, le foto di Dario e tanto altro. Se desiderate comprarla cliccate pure qui.
i rivediamo a breve. Ho un sacco di cose da raccontarvi.

May 2015

After one month in Sicily (click here) I’m back to my city, Grottaglie, starting new works and projects. I will try to remember everything, but really I have tons of news.
In June I will take part to 59th Premio Faenza with “La foto del trecentesimo compleanno”. I am really excited about it. It is a really important event and I am proud to be in.
I will take part also to “Premio ceramica Mediterranea” in Grottaglie.

There are new places where you can find my stuff.
Martina Franca at “Frida”. Feel free to visit Stefania and Federica they are lovely and in the store you can find art, design and clothing. I stolen this picture from they Facebook page (click here)


Matera at “Civico Nove”. I love the attitude to the life of the owners. Their a COOL and they have pieces of talented artisans from different parts of south of Italy. Click here (click here)
For the rest everything is going great, but I have to run now… too much things to do. See you.

March 2015

I’m back again, thinking how to help Italian people that don’t speak english to follow me. Maybe I will do some change soon, but in this period I’m so busy that will be hard to do all the things that I planned untill the 27th of March. Yes because that day I will move to Sicily. I have been selected for the project “I-art” and I will spent 1 month in the Island, working with clay and on a new project. I will update soon. Right now you can click here to read all the name of the selected artists.

As I saied I have to solve a lot of things: commissions, delivery stuff organize art-show and more. For this reason last week-end I decided to go to San Gimignano and Faenza with Totore Ciughetto and Dario Miale. It was the unconfortable trip ever. We had to delivery the piece for the MIC 2015, (a huge piece) and the pieces for the I-sculputure gallery in San Gimignano. I will collaborate with them so if you are near there you should pass from the gallery. They are amazing and and they offered us a nice place to sleep. Click here. Thank you guys. Really.
The same days we had the opportunity to go to Siena, met some friends and had the dinner in the best place in Tuscany: Osteria il Grattacielo. Go there, please. I will not post pictures of us because everybody look really ugly and drunk, so I’m sorry…
The day after we woke up really early because we had to go to Faenza were we had to delivery the piece for the show that will happen in June 2015. It will be the BEST show ever and I WANT to be there. In Faenza we met Claudia Casali, the director of the Ceramic Museum in Faenza. We had a lunch all together and we spoke a lot about shows, ceramics and food. I met the first time Claudia Casali in Grottaglie in the 2014 for a conference that I organized. There is only one word to the describe her: SUPER. I don’t know if she will ever read it ever, in any case it’s important that all my followers know how great she is.
After we went to Bologna, ate again and met Nunzio, Mariangela and Cisco, an old old friend. In 3 days we did 1900 km and we ate 18 times: 7 times in auto- grills, 2 times in restaurants, 3 times street-food, 5 times in bars, 1 time at home.
One more world for Carletto…. the funniest and laziest dog in Italy. I can stay days looking at him.

Now it’s time to work again…..  before to go I have and incredible list of things to do. I have interviews, art shows, commissions, orders and more. I will update you again before the 27th, right now remember that tomorrow there will be an art-show in Bari where you will find one print of my work “Fossi stato più furbo”. You will find also me and other artists. It will be for the project Heartists. Support them. Come and buy. More info here.

February 2015

Dear world I am here to share some great news that I received in the last weeks.
First of all lift up the glasses, I would like to celebrate something really important for me. I will take part to the Ceramic International Biennale in Faenza. It’s the first time for me to be there, and I am really proud about it. If you click (here) you will find the complete list of selected artists. I don’t know all of them, but I am really happy to see some of  super-talented friends in the list.
If you have the opportunities you should book a ticket for the opening in June. It will be amazing.
I applied with 3 different works. Here below you will find the 2 works that weren’t selected. I will never know until the opening (june 2015), the piece that have been selected.

"Una preoccupante missiva recapitata in data 14 Novembre", (100x45 cm), 2015.

“Una preoccupante missiva recapitata in data 14 Novembre”

"Episodio di bullismo nella classe terza H. Fortunatamente c'era una videocamera di sorveglianza", (90x90 cm), 2015.

“Episodio di bullismo nella classe terza H. Fortunatamente c’era una videocamera di sorveglianza”

Right now… She is Fuga and I am sad that Lucky never met her. Maybe one day they will share a shy star. She is having 10 days vacancy in our flat, eating a lot, playing and having jogging. Say Hì to Fuga, say Hello to Lucky.
 am waiting for some important news. I will received them next month. Stay tuned. I have to go now…

January 2015 – Part II –

I am back, after crazies days. In the last weeks I did 2 exhibitions, one in Pescara and one in London. I was there and if you have a couple of minutes I will tell you everything.
The 22th Dario Miale, Valeria, Maria Carmela and I moved from Grottaglie to Pescara were we had to show Made in Italy for our Sano/sano project. Into the Circolo Aternino, an AMAZING place, we had three floors to set all our photos and pieces. Here you will find some pictures.
pescaraokIt was really funny to look at our pieces for the first time in a so institutional place, with institutional visitors and approach. In Pescara we had time to eat and drink. It was there that I ate the worst felafel in my life. It’s happened on Sunday when everybody moved back to Grottaglie and I was alone waiting to flight to London.
I spent like 9 hours at the Pescara’s airport the most empty place in the world. In London Crispino (Primato Pugliese ideator) was waiting for me. I had another show, an amazing show located in a wonderful location. As you read in the last post into the Melia there was the Art-rooms (click here) from the 24th to the 26th of January. When I arrived there Crispino did most of the work, sold pieces and took connection.
For the first time I was showing my pieces in London and I was really interesting to see the reaction of the people. It was GREAT. Thanks to Crispino that made a great presentation all the visitors and journalists were enthusiastic about my pieces. You can see what I mean looking at some press-release. 
– Libero (click
– I giornaleoff (click
– The flaneur (click

After it I had a little time to steal something really important, met one of the friends that I planned to meet, had junk food, going to the Casino and fell sick. It is official London is not the right place for me to survive. Too many languages and metro stops. One afternoon while I was walking I start to become crazy about all the people, shops wi-fi connection. I decided to run away into a desolated station far from the center. I ordered my tea and I finished to read one of the best book ever. You have to read Sepulveda. Believe me, i cried for like 10 minutes like a child at the end of the book. Thank you Sepulveda, thank you Pescara, thank you London. Thanks to you, too. 
See you… 


January 2015 – Part I –

Hello world, maybe you know, maybe not. Starting from the 9th of January I am 34, i’m one year older. I don’t really love to organize parties because I am panicked by alla these things, but this time I decided to invite few  friends to drink something. It was great because I shared my birthday with Saverio Colado Liuzzi: an amazing, talented ceramist from Grottaglie that was born my some day. We received a lovely present by our friends, illustrated by Mauro Basile ( in collaboration with Dario Pappagrossa and Totore Ciughetto. Feel free to say hello to Mauro that now is back to  Spain where he lives and survives.
Here below there are 2 pictures: in the first my father and Mauro at the Veneno’s Studio, in the second one the lovely present. Maybe you still don’t know Rocco Veneno, but you will know him soon.


Right now…. it’s time to go back to work.
In the next month I will do exhibitions in different cities.
– Do you remember Sano/Sano and the art show 意大利制造? We will show the project in Pescara (24thh-30th of January) click here for more news.
– In the same period (23th-26th of January) I will do my first show in London where, in collaboration with Primato Pugliese, I will take part to Art-Room 2015. More then 70 artists have been invited to do a show in a wonderful location. Every artist will have a room of an old, historical hotel to set up works. I will be there and if you are in London that days you have to come. Ask me for tickets, i have a couple of entrance for free. Click here for infos.
I was also featured in the Persol blog (the historical sound glasses brand).
It was good, because I love when I discover this thing without to know. Thank you. Click here...



Finally you have to know that after 10 years the snow come back to our small city: Grottaglie.
I have to be honest It was really funny walking, looking to the white and having the fingers hibernate. I spent hours looking at clumsy people and dangerous drivers. Grottaglie is not a place for snow, it’s official. Anyway we did also some jokes.. like this one in the video here below. Enjoy it before to go. See you…



December 2014 – Part II –

Jingle bells. It’s Christmas time and the sun is still with us. I come back from Rome were I did the Mercato Monti. It was a real pleasure to meet great, talented and old friends there. If I have to be honest I don’t really love to stay all the day hoping that visitors will understand what I do, why and how. Luckily Mercato Monti is different for 2 reasons.
1) The organisers did a great marketing  job and at the moment this market is one of the best in Italy. I’m sure.
2) Most of the exhibitors and the organizers love me and my ceramics. So they strongly support me and my ceramics.
Here below you will find a selection of pictures that I ripped off from the Mercato Monti’s Facebook page (click here).

There is another important news that you have to know. I took part to a project named Heartists (click here): 15 artists donated an artwork to create a print (70×100 cm) that you can buy for 15 euros. All the money will donated to an association that help alley cats and stray dogs. Choose your print and order… it’s important. I’m not an illustrator so they decide to took a picture of my work “Fossi stato più furbo“. The picture has been taken by Dario Miale, as usually, so thank you Dario.HEARTISTS_img-copertina


Do you remember about Pepo (click here) and the project Grottangeles (click here)?
For Christmas we decided to collaborate realizing a combo pack. You can receive my ceramic fruit basket + his jumper for only 60 euro.  It will be a perfect gift, your perfect present. Order it, come on.
Last week I met in my studio Monica, a girl with a positive and intensive energy that you can feel 100 km far from the earth. She has a blog and when she went back home wrote a small post about her day. Inside there were a couple of sentences that made me happy. If you speak italian you can click here.


December 2014 – Part I –

Ladies and gentleman I’m proud to announce that we have new t-shirts and bags printed by Serigrafia Lupetto (click here). If you need one come to the studio with minimum 6 and maximum 12 euros. All of them were hand/heart printed  by Guadalupe . She is super cool and can print your serial dreams.
I know that it’s winter and it’s not good to buy a t-shirt but the Sun is still here and it doesn’t need holidays, we have to support the power of the Sun.
It’s also time to go to Rome where I will take part to Mercato Monti (click here) the 13th and the 14th of December. Please come and buy your Christmas presents there. You should support DIY, and Mercato Monti is the TOP in Rome. Two floors of great artisans, second hands clothes, vintage objects are waiting for you.

FORMATO fronte 10X 15 copia


In the last post I spoke about Arteria, the art show that Fatti di China organized into the deconsecrated church of San Giuseppe in Conversano. They realized a small documentary about the event. If you have 8 minutes you should look at it. I have always nasal voice and unless sentences. I know….

Last week there was the exhibition in Milano “Ensemble 2.0“. Unfortunately I wasn’t there and the weather was also really rainy. I don’t have pictures about the event so I stolen from “Caba associazione” facebook page some photos (click here). You should follow them, they are great…
In the last photo the ceramic balloons.


Last update before to go. In the last days a lot of blog are speaking about my stuff. Here they are some examples. Thank you! ! !
– Lustik ( click here).
–  An art blog from Russia (click here)
– Art Blog (click here)
– Another blog from Portugal I suppose (click here)
See you soon. I have to listen Erlend Oye right now. 

November 2014 – Part II –

As I said last week I’m working on different projects in this period: art shows, interviews, application, ecc.
I went to Conversano (BA) ’cause the Fatti di China crew invited me to took part to Arteria, a group exhibition of different artists from Puglia.
It was amazing, in a wonderful location (the deconsecrated church of San Giuseppe) where a lot of people come. Here there is a small selection of pictures but if you want more, you can click here.





The 29th and the 30th of November I will took part to a ceramic art show in Milano. It was organized by Silvia Imperiale, one of the most important person for the ceramic in Italy. I really would like to be there but I can’t. It is not easy living in the south to go to Milano, so I decided to send some pieces. TRUST ME, if you can you should go there because there will be an incredible selection of ceramist, but most important alla the pieces will be an auction sale of all the pieces starting from 90 euros. So you can have a chance to buy an art pieces or a Christmas presents.
Do it, if you can effort it, part of the money will be donated to an association. More infos here.

10805705_10204389053117790_3584451877824917883_nFinally. I finished all the application for really important art ceramic exhibition that will happen in the 2015. I will have the result in the future. We will see. Update soon. Here there is a small preview. Enjoy.
P.s. Steady Rollin bye the Two Gallants…. Song of the day.

November 2014 – Part I –

I would like to update the blog regularly. I would like to speak about my adventures, works, projects, fears. Believe me, It’s hard. I decided to start this website in English, trying to include all the world but at the end I close out a part of me. Anyway It’s time to update you about most of the things happened in this period. I come back from a trip that I did with two great friends of mine Totore Ciughetto and Dario Miale. We went to Tallinn and Riga, having amazing days, cycling, drinking and surviving to the glaciation.

Here below a couple of picture and a great song, Homesick from the “Kings of Convenience“. Click here.

Now as usual the resume of the journey sketching the funny adventures that happened us.
Scan-3 Scan-2

So It was the journey but in this period I had and I will have also a lot of things to do: interviews, applications, production, pictures, art shows, ecc.
Step by step.
Tomorrow I will do an exhibition in Conversano (Bari), in the deconsecrated church of San Giuseppe from the 14th to the 16th of November. It is organized by amazing people from “Fatti di China” and if you live near you should visit Arteria 2014 (click here).


But it is not the only thing happening. I did interview for The House of Peroni. Feel free to click here. In the next month I will do an interview for a great magazine. Believe me, it will be AMAZING. I can’t wait.
I am also working a lot to create some new pieces for some ceramics events that will happen this year. They will be hard. I have to send application, waiting for selection, results, stress, ecc. I can only do my best, apply, cross the fingers and wait for the result.
I can’t continue now. It is really hard to type with the fingers crossed. The last picture. The box, ceramic and glaze, real dimension, 2014.
I love you all.

August 2014

Hi there. It’s the 15th of August and while everybody is swimming I am in my studio updating my website. It looks a little bit sad, but it isn’t. I had a really intensive days and it’s time to take a break, waiting for new plan  in september. Otherwise there are a lot of tourists in these days walking and visiting ceramics studios so it is better  to wait for them.
I am listening the Van pelt while I am collecting pictures of the last show 意大利制造 (Made in Italy) by Dario Miale and I (click here).
It was great a lot of people come to visit the exhibition and we were featured os really amazing magazine and website. Thank you so much to all the people that supported us. Soon we will post more pictures, don’t worry.

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If it is not enough today I received a wonderful mail from a secret place that I can’t still reveal. One of my work has been selected to be show at a Biennale. Stay tuned. I will announce it soon…
With love

July 2014

Hi there world. I’m here, after insane weeks, working, relaxing, creating, destroying, loving my city, hating my city.
As I saeid in the last post i am doing art an art show in my city. I did a huge installation of ceramics ice-creams. Here you can see some pictures that Dario Miale took them. It was really hard but Dario is amazing and can do everything. If one day in your life you need a photographer remember about him.

giorgiodipalma giorgiodipalmaceramiche


Ok. It was just a spot on Dario Miale, but i have also another great news to announce. In August we will do our second show. Be free for that time… it will be amazing.
Enjoy the poster and feel free to click on our website project (


June 2014 – Part II –

It’s raining, but it’s summer, so I know that soon the sun will arrive with a lot of good news. This is one of the most busy period of my life: I am working on different directions only for one reason. I think that there is a chance to change. So I decided to take part to the XXI Mostra Ceramica. I did an installation, in the next days I will show pictures of the work.
mostra grottaglie
This week will happen also Testimonianze ceramiche (click here). I organized a meeting with 3 person that are giving a great contribute to the ceramic in Italy today. Claudia Casali (director of the MIC – Museo Internazionale della Ceramica in Faenza-, Nicola Boccini (ceramic artist) and Silvia Imperiale ( expert in ceramic communication). I received the contribute of the Puglia Region, that are giving opportunity to organize Laboratori dal Basso with the PO FSE 2007–2013.
I hope that if you are here you will pass here to see the art show at the Castle and to listen their conference.

I go now… I want to open the Kiln and I can’t wait

June 2014 – Part I –

It’s time to update the blog, it’s time to share with you tons of things that will happen soon. This month will be incredible full of events. I will do different group shows while I am organizing one of the most complicate exhibition in my life. It will happen this summer in collaboration with Dario Miale. Do you know Sano/sano? It is the name of our collaboration. Click here if you don’t.
Ok… Let’s start, but before I have to listen These few presidents by the “Why?” Click here
– The 14th of June Officine Tamborrino (click here) will open  a new store in Ostuni. I will show there some pieces for 15 months. It will be a collaboration with Primato Pugliese, I will speak about them in the future.

Allegato di posta elettronica

Allegato di posta elettronica-1
– The 29th of June there will be the Contemporary annual ceramic exhibition in the Castello Episcopio in Grottaglie. I will do a nice installation. I don’t have picture because usually in my city they are really slow to made graphics, ecc. You have to come and see or you should wait a couple of weeks.
– There will be also the 99% to realize a project in partnership with the Regione Puglia. It should happen the 2th and the 3th of July. If yes it will be great to share with ayou something really great and professional. Cross the fingers.
– I come back after 1 week in Sardegna. I spent some days with my sweet half Valeria. This land is AMAZING: the people, the food and the sea. Everything s perfect. Now that I am bronzed like never in my life, i am ready for the summer.
Gotta go….. Thedust is waiting for me.


May 2014

Hi there, I am here ready to share news and sneezes. I am looking for the stability inside this little crazy world. So I am investing on plants and dreams. Last week I went to a shop and I bought 15 little plants for 7 euros and a lemon tree for 10 euros. So I went back to the studio and I planted them. Now I am waiting for the result. It could be great to have new hosts at my studio for the spring. It looks really lovely in this period: Different lights, small birds singing and fresh water for dogs. This is “where I’m from” by the eels (click here).

I am working hard because I have a lot of art shows in the next months: one in Ravenna, two in Grottaglie and 1 in a secret place that I can’t reveal. Wait and see.
This month 2 newspapers dedicate some words to Giorgio di Palma: Elle and Livu‘. The first one is a national monthly fashion magazine, the second one is a local magazine from Grottaglie.  Thank you so much to Isa Grassano, Marco Carrino and all the people that support me.


I am working on new pieces: different objects and low relieves.  I will present new objects on the next art shows that are coming. Here below you can see “E’ volato in cielo” “Ero certo che sapeva volare”. It is dedicated to …. you know who you are. Good luck. Wish you the best.

"E' volato in cielo" "Ero certo che sapeva volare", 2014.

“E’ volato in cielo” “Ero certo che sapeva volare”, 2014.

I will never finish to ask you to send me picture of any piece… if you have them. Sometimes it’s nice to know where are living the new pieces and to see how they look in different places. I received a couple of photos in the last days, one of them is of the public phone. I did 2 of them. One is on the street and the other one in France.
The other photos are from the sweetest girls in Monopoli.




April 2014 – Part II –

Hi there, I’m here again. In front of my Pc, in Grottaglie, planning and dreaming, sharing my desk with allergies and dust. Last week I spent a couple of days in Bologna with two great local artists Paolo and MariaRosaria. We are in contact with a gallery in San Lazzaro, so we planned to go there for the weekend to check the situation and support Mariarosaria with her solo show. I have to be honest, it was an amazing experience. We had a studio, a hug house and mountains to enjoy opening the windows. We had bad food, pencils and time, so we spent hours drawing casually and having fun. We shared piece of papers, chatting about life and drinking bad wine in a mountain where internet doesn’t work. My soul was completed disconnected.

Harlem Roulette by the Mountain Goats (click here).



On Monday after a night without sleep in a bus I arrived in Grottaglie where I had a couple of good news.
– Pugliacalling wrote a small review about my studio on their blog. They celebrate me like a man with an hot heart. I don’t  know how it sounds in English, maybe like an indian nickname, but in italian cuore caldo is really sweet. Click here.
– I received a catalogue about the experience that i did last year in Neumunster. I was selected for the ceramic artist in residence  with 9 ten super great artists. Click here for more info. Above you can see a picture of one of the pages.


Now I have to go. I have to finish a lot of works, go to Taranto, pack stuff, ship works, and most of all, stay with my sister. She is going to married soon. Wish you the best, hug little sister.
See you soon….

April 2014 – Part I –

As I wrote in the last post I’m doing my best to update the blog regularly.
In the last weeks a lot of things happened I did a presentation, I went to Rome, I did an illustration for a book, ecc. ecc.
– The 28th of March there was the presentation of the works that I realized in collaboration with the guys of the Fa.dia, a center for people with different disabilities. We did an installation on the street, while other their pieces plus photos by Dario Miale where showed at the “Galleria Vincenza“. Here you can see some pictures taken by Dario.
I know that people is strange and that idiots were going to destroy the piece. It happened 24 hours later. It made me sad a little bit because the guys from Fa.dia put on it a lot of energies.  Be strong guys, you won anyway.



– Is that enough, by yo la tengo (click here). This is the song of the day.

– The last week I went to Rome to take part at the Artgenial, an event organized by the Elsewhere Factory  and Mercato Monti. I had a to realize some pieces to show how i usually work. It was ok, there was a lot of people walking and buying, but to spent all the day near radical chic is not the best.  Here there are some pictures…. I don’t know the author but thanks anyway.



– A really good friend of mine asked to me to make an illustration for a chapter of a book that will publish soon. This is what I did, I hope that he  enjoyed what I did because I’m not an illustrator, but sometimes it is cool to use a pencil and a rubber. I have to run now. There is somebody that maybe need my support.
Update soon…


March 2014

It’s really a lot of time that I’m not posting anything on this blog. There is a reason. Sometimes I would like to write what I feel in italian ’cause it’s really hard to translate emotions in English, so I prefer to put everything in pieces of clay. The result is that I never update the blog and that there tons of things that nobody know. Starting from now I will try to update the blog regularly and I will name the new posts with title of songs.
The first one is Losing my glue by Darren Hayman. Click here if you want.
Now I will try to remember most of the things that happened in the last months.
1) I was teaching ceramics in 2 difference course. The first one was organized by CSV and Galleria Vincenza. I have to be honest. I was not teaching, there were people there that teach me how easy is to live and work with clay. I don’t know if they will never read it, in that case, THANK YOU. The presentation will happen the 25th of March in Galleria Vincenza, come there… come on.
The second one was organized by the Fucarazza, an association from Carosino, a small town near Grottaglie.

2) I launched a new website with Dario Miale, the best photographer under 76. We named it Sano/sano, and it will be the container of all our project. At the moment you will find some informations about the past show that we did togheter: Cacate, but soon we will speak about something great that we are working on. Click here and stay tuned.


For the rest. I am really making  a lot of works for new shows that will happen soon. The 30th of March I will be in Rome to take part at the artigenial organized by Mercato Monti and Elsewhere factory at the Radisson Hotel.
Here below there is the promo video, let’s met there. I will be not in the market but I will work on another floor with amazing people where you will join me. True?


I made a new low relieve: “Io non ho la pappagorgia.” ” Si tu hai la pappagorgia”. It is REALLY important, because i was unable for 1 year to realize dogs in clay. Somebody, directly from the stars, gave me the power and the energy. Thank you.

"Ion non ho la Pappagorgia" "Si. Tu hai la pappagorgia", 40x40 cm, 2014.

I go now…. I’m firing new pieces.
Update soon…


December 2013 – Part II –

It’s time to update the blog. It’s time to post pictures and news. Just give me 4.23 minutes to refresh my mind and enjoy the world. It’s a kind of a secret that I will share with you today. Press play and enjoy…

So…. where I was. I was speaking about shows and prize. In this period I’m taking part to a lot of different events, click here to have and idea. If you are in time go there, if not I will post now links and a couple of pictures.
In Milano there are two shows: “La ceramica oggi in Italia” and “Gift” at the NoName space.
I have no pictures from the NoName space, but some friends of mine sent pictures from Villa Necchi.

IMG_0125You can see  more pictures just clicking here.

In Ragusa at the same time I sent some pieces for the opening of a shop in front of Prima Classe Bar . The one that you can see here below.


At the end it’s time to speak about the prize…
This year I took part to the exhibition at the Castello Episcopio in Grottaglie named Sotto cieli stellati (under starry sky). I worked with 2 great friends of mine Mauro and Saverio on a piece: Si può’ dare di più. It’s the title of a song that won Sanremo in the 1987. It was singed by Umberto Tozzi, Gianni Morandi and Enrico Ruggieri. We worked under the pseudonames of Gianni, Umberto and Enrico and named the piece like their song. After it we used 3 shapes from the Grottaglie’s ceramics, to represents the nativity. Their were covered by a dark starry blanket. We didn’t want to win the prize, we just planned to show the situation of the ceramic in Grottaglie: sleepy and sad.
On the top pf this post you can see the picture, it’s not my typical style but you can feel the ironia. Have a nice day….

December 2013 – Part I –

It’s time to wait presents and snow. I am here sitting in the studio with  an hot water bag on my legs and senseless objects on my desk. It’s time to speak about news and events. It’s Christmas and it’s time to buy presents and say bye to my ceramics.
– There are different art-shows and shop where you can see my works in this period: Milano and Ragusa (click here). I am still waiting for good pictures… no way.
– On Sunday 22th of December I will take part to Make People do Lab (click here), an event in Fasano where you can see and buy the best christmas presents…
– Ting Ju SHAO for Taiwan Ceramic Art journal wrote an article about the Ceramic Biennale in cluj. Here you can see a picture, i really don’t know the language but it looks amazing.
– I also received a picture from Roma. It’s a flat where a really lovely and amazing girl put some of my balloons. It’s nice… she is super nice.
That’s all… no wait there is a great news. I won a prize but I will speak about it in the next days…
With Love


November 2013 – Part II –

Christmas is coming without snow here in grottaglie, but with a crazy cold weather. It’s time for me to be ready to ship, to organize art shows and celebrate opening and vacations.
At the moment I am doing 4 different art shows, 2 in Milano, one in Ragusa and one in Grottaglie. If you want to see, buy a present or just visit this place it’s time to take a break. First of all buy a ticket and go to Milano where you can visit Villa Necchi in the morning (click here). This’s a wonderful location for the “Ceramica oggi in Italia”, with a lot of amazing ceramists and works. I am there with 3 pieces. After it let’s have a coffee and move to the No Name Space (click here). It’ s not a gallery, better, and you can buy your Christmas presents and support good guys at the art show “gift, geschenk, cadeau”. When you have finished lets take a flight to Sicily and a bus to Ragusa where at the Bar Prima Classe (click here)  le Formiche are organizing the “Shoptional” art show. I hope that my stuff will be there in time… the 106 his a crazy road.
So finally you can come back to Grottaglie where at the Castle there is the “XXIV Mostra del Presepe” (click here). I made an ironic and a little polemical piece with 2 great friends (Saverio Liuzzi and Mauro Basile) speaking about the situation of the ceramic in Grottaglie where everything looks so sleepily.. We won the price for the “Giovane Ceramista” with the work “Si può dare di piu'”, picture above.. Thank you ….
Now it’s time for picture… have fun, don’t eat too much, see you soon I have to post pictures of art-shows, catalogues and balloons in wonderful location…




November 2013 – Part I –

A lot of things will happen in the next days. The 30th of November there will be the opening of the art show “La ceramica oggi in Italia” (click here): in Villa Necchi some of the most important ceramic artist in Italy will exhibit their works in a wonderful location. I will show there 3 pieces, and I have to thanks Azzurra for the support to pick up and move my stuff in and around Milano.
At the same time  I am working on balloons. In this period they are my best seller so I decided to create a lot of them to stay quite for a while. Here below you can see a picture that Benedetta sent me from Rome. They look great inside her house. Don’t you think? Update soon with more news from art shows and picture.



October 2013 – Part II –

A new website, new stuff and new projects. I am still here, trying to create something that can make me happy, involving people and surviving in these insane days.
I did a lot of exhibitions in the last months. A great ceramic biennial in Kapfenberg in Austria (click here), a super-cool show in Neumunster (Germany) and I received an Honorable mention at the amazing First Cluj ceramics Biennale in Romania (click here).
I have to start to organize new shows that will come soon in Milano, Sicily and Rome. Believe me, i am not stressed, but to connect all this things togheter is really hard if you don’t have a memory book… and sure i don’t have a memory book.
I will try to update this blog frequently, it will be difficult, especially in English. I have to improve it… you too, my dear italian speaking.


September 2013

While the summer is going somewhere else I am here with a couple of sweet clouds and news:

– A lot of exhibitions are coming. I will take part to the Kapfenberg ceramic Biennale in Austria (click here) and to the first Ceramics Biennale in Cluj (click here). If you can go and see these shows that will be great, if not let’s wait for more news, a solo art show in Milano will happens soon.
– I come back from Germany were i met old and new super-friends. Togheter we did a show in Neumunster. Click here for the photos.
– The “Cacate” art show in the public toilet in Grottaglie is closed. I want to thanks all the people that supported me and Dario in that crazies days.
P.s. On the picture above you can see a scuplture. It’s the present for my friend Alessandro’s sister wedding. Congratulations, I wish you the best….

August 2013

September is coming, and I am waiting for it with news, clouds and a lot of exhibitions.

– It’s time to make a show with my friend Dario Miale. It’s named “Cacate“, come to the public toilette to visit it or click here for more infos.
– I will fly back to Germany to do a show named “Work in progress” with Jim Avignon and a lot of great artists.
– I will also take part to the first biennale of Ceramic in Cluj (Romania). Click here.

New objects and projects are coming, wait for pictures, please…..
Finally I want to thanks all the people that always support me: all my family, Ciughetto, Simone, Daniela, Valeria and the 3 super-girls: Liova, Melinda and Fuga. Lucky, thank you too …


July 2013

Hello there! Here I am, watching clouds and thinking about my city. The skyline is dominated by smoking chimneys, that usually kill people and hope. But I am proud to be here, where people is trying to kill the chimneys, fighting for their dreams.

These news are dedicated to them:
– In the next months I will do art show in Austria, Germany and Romania but I will also give my contribute to some local event: Orecchiette nelle nchiosce and Vino è Musica.
– In August I will do a tour with my works travelling around Puglia. Stay tuned… it will happens soon.
– My works has been featured on Pizza digitale (click here) and Vanity Fair (click here). I also did a video interview for the Mini Tour (click here).
– New objects and low realieves will be post in the next weeks. It depends on Dario Miale (click here), that is always busy.
– I want to thanks Liova, Melinda and Fuga, 3 supergirls that helped me so much in the last months, planning and working. Thanks also to Fabio Mazza for the picture on the top.

May 2013

I am back home and I’m proud to annunce great news to the sun and to the allergies:
– I spent one month in Neumunster working with amazing people and artists. Click here to know them, here to check my project and here to watch a funny video interview.
–  In June i will take part to CICA 2013, the International ceramic show in Alcora, Spain. In May, instead, I will do an exibithion and a workshop in Rome. Stay tuned for more news.
– Some new low relieves have been added under the ceramic section, click here.
– A couple of new projects are on the way to start. It only depends on me, and I am ready to start.
– It will be an hot, hot summer. Everything is perfect…

March 2013

Switch off your gps and look up to the sky.  There are dreams and news to share with the clouds:
–  In April I will spent one month in Neumunster. Stadttöpferei  selected me as one of the 10 artist  for the residence program 2013 (click here).
– You can fallow this experience directly from this new project named Ventinove giorni a Neumunster (click here).
–  My works has been featured on Ceramica Creativa (click here)  and Ceramic Vision (click here).
–  In May  I will do a solo show in Rome.
–  I added objects and the page “Games” under the ceramic’s category.
– I want to thanks  Dario Miale (click here) for the new pictures. I am proud to announce a collaboration with him for a new amazing project. Stay tuned.

December 2012

A couple of news :
– I added new objects and low relieves under the ceramic’s category. There you will find also a new product: the “Busta Sorpresa“.
– In the next  month I will work hardly on a new project that need concentration and stamina. I can’t annunce anything in advance, but one day you will be update about it.
– My works has been featured on frizzifrizzi (click here) and will be reviews on an important magazine.
– I am planning some exhibitions in different cities. Nothing sure…. everything great.
– Thanks to Dario Miale (click here) for all the great pictures that he is taking to my pieces.

The MOST important thing:
Lucky is climbing to the sky looking for the brightest star. So don’t be afraid to watch the moon and smile thinking about the greatest creature that I have ever met.

September 2012

It’s time for the summer to visit other places and to leave me alone but with kilos of news:
– A coupleof objects and low relieves have been added under the ceramic section.
– I did my contribute to the Fame Festival (click here). Watch the video (here), enjoy this posts (click here) and thanks Nicole Blommers (click here) for this great picture.
– I sold my twingo for 100 euro. I am working on a project on its memory.
– In the next months I will work hardly with some local guys to realize a small and funny zine and to plan some great art-shows into amazing places.

June 2012

Love the sun, hate the sand and in the meantime enjoy these happy news:
–   Some  works have been added under the sections low relieves and objects.
–  A video has been edited with the special guest of the local fighter Peppo Nuzzo (click here).
– You can fallow me also on facebook. So click here and like it.
–  In the last months I did art shows in Roma and Florence and I’m ready for GREAT events that will happen soon here in Puglia.

– The result of the collaboration between Mr Spoqui and I is ready. It’s a special issue of their magazine dedicated to the ceramic world. It’s in limited edition and contained an amazing tile designed by Maria Francesca Monteforte.
– The website contain now a Shop and small changes. It was possible thanks to the “dopolavoro” studio (click here). Contact them if you need php  and wordpress  genius.
– Finally, Lucky is great. The best.

April 2012

Sneezes can’t stop the world. News are always coming:
–  Starting from April, I’m showing my work at the Mercato Monti in Roma every first weekend of  each month (click here) .
– I’m doing a collaboration with the Mr Spoqui‘s family. We are doing a contest where you are invited to partecipate  (click here).
– A couple of new objects and low relieves have been added in the ceramic’s category.
–  I added the category “Feautered” under the section “about” where you can find press, interviews and reviews.
–  I’m working for some pieces that I should show in June.  In the meantime you can see some pieces in Sabaudia (click here) and Bologna.

March 2012

Hello smiling world, I’m back again with kilograms of news for you:
Tubulidae is dead. Starting from now I will be forever “Giorgio di Palma”. So if you want to find me on internet forget the old address and bookmark : there is a new website with less writings and more pages.
– Bye bye “Ogniputtanogiorno”. Also the blog will have a new house located at the some address of the website. It will be in italian, as usual, and I will try to update it daily.
Exhibitions around Italy have characterized the last months (Bari, Napoli, Bologna) and will mark the nexts (Roma, Milano).
– Some works and interviews have been published on books, catalogues and reviews (click here and here).